What Do Those Laundry Symbols Mean?
You’ve invested a lot of money into your wardrobe, and, of course, you want to keep it in the best shape possible. But it can seem almost impossible at times to decode the laundry care symbols on your clothing to do just that. If you’re not sure what all of those little tubs, squares and triangles mean, we’ve broken them down for you here!
These are some of the most commonly found laundry symbols on clothing and will absolutely help you when sorting your laundry into different piles on laundry day. Knowing which temperature setting to use on your washing machine and dryer for each load of laundry can make a huge impact on your closet and help to extend the life of your favourite clothes! So too does knowing if you can put that blouse in the dryer or if it should be hung or laid flat to dry. Being able to decode the care instructions on your clothes can give you added peace of mind that your investment is protected.
Even so, we know that this can still be incredibly overwhelming! You might not have time in your busy day to check every single tag on each article of clothing, sort it into piles and then wash, dry, fold, and put away multiple loads of laundry. Your time is valuable and sometimes laundry just doesn’t always take the priority. You also might have a large portion of your laundry that is designated as dry-clean only. Recognizing those labels will save you time and money in the future and will enable you to easily set them aside for Dry Cleaning with one of our Suds’ preferred partners!
At Suds, you can also take advantage of our pick up/return delivery service for your laundry to save you even more time, or you can drop it off in store where Suds Staff wash, fold and neatly package all of your clothes as part of our ‘Wash ‘n’ Fold’ Service. We pay close attention to those laundry symbols and care instructions so that your laundry is always done right! For years we’ve exclusively been using Nellie’s All-Natural washing soda and All-Natural brightener to keep your laundry in top shape and give you the peace of mind you deserve!